October 21, 2008

alessandro rolandi in art channel gallery beijing

back to asia...back to china.....

Alessandro Rolandi, after five years living and working in Beijing, explores through a new series of multimedia works, the existing relationships between language and signs, trying to confront the notion of “double” and “shadow”
inhered from the experience and vision of Antonin Artaudwith elements of traditional Chinese culture and ultimately, with mass-communication and its aggressive and manipulative visual strategy.

Is it still possible to look for what’s hidden between the lines, or behind the image ? Does it make sense to react to the pre-fabrication of desires we are facing today? Transposing images and contents of every day’s life into an oneiric world of signs and symbols, Rolandi aims at blurring the edges between what’s real and what is archetypical, what’ s local and what is universal.

Hierarchies disappear for the unaware child who is not scared to travel in the dark regions where myths and fairy-tales meet every day’s reality. Eventually he will come out untouched, with new toys, new tools and new words to name them.

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